Trollinger House: Arty, Lettery

Ahoy, there, folks looking for on-campus housing that’s only sort of on-campus. Trollinger House, just across the tracks over there by Sidetracks, may be just the spot for you. There is, however, just one wee catch:

You must be smart and interesting and a little funny, maybe, and interested in living in the Arts & Letters Learning Community, which means that not only should you like, oh, we don’t know, Arts, and, well, Letters, but you should also like things that have Arts and Letters in them, like sculpture and used bookstores and oh hey yes perhaps even shows by bands more interested in their music and lyrics than in whatever else bands get interested in and maybe you should also like independent film…

…and you should probably be interested in talking about all of those things (on occasion) and in living in a small community of folks who also prefer good stuff to cruddy stuff. Questions? Interested? Wondering where your people are? 

Send us an email and six things that could fit inside of a matchbox and we’ll get back to you about whether or not we think you’re Trollinger material.

Faculty Advisors for the A&L LC: Tita Ramirez (, Michael Fels (, Drew Perry (