Elon students named finalists in national songwriting competition

Elon University music majors Jacob Danieley and Kaitlyn Fay have been named finalists in the 12th Annual John Lennon Scholarship Songwriting Program, a national contest established in 1997 by Yoko Ono, Lennon's widow, and the BMI Foundation.

Danieley and Fay are the only two finalists selected from North Carolina by MENC: The National Association for Music Education. BMI will select the three scholarship winners from the 44 state finalists and the results will be announced in June. First place receives $10,000, while second and third place receive $5,000 each.

According to a news release on the MENC web site, state finalists were selected from compositions submitted to MENC Collegiate chapter advisors nationwide. BMI invited schools with MENC Collegiate chapters to participate in the program to increase the quality and diversity of entries.

To read the full release and for more information on the program, click on the link to the right of this page.