The Pendulum wants to know – submit your Elon PostSecret today!

Got a secret to share? A confession? A dream? A fear? Share it anonymously with The Pendulum for the next Elon PostSecret – coming soon.

Frank Warren started PostSecret as a community art project and outlet for creative expression in 2004. It has grown into a sort of collective therapy for hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

In true PostSecret fashion, feel free to “reveal anything – as long as it is true and you have never shared it with anyone before.”

Send your secrets to The Pendulum by Friday, March 13, 2009. Here’s what to do:

1. Create a postcard of a mailable size out of any mailable material.
2. Tell your secret anonymously. Decorate and write on only one side of the card. Check out examples at TIPS: Get creative, be brief and write legibly. Aim for originality, and avoid any copyrighted images that might prevent us from printing your secret.
3. Mail your secret to The Pendulum at 7012 Campus Box, no postage is required if mailed through on-campus mail in Moseley Center, or drop it in the Special Projects mailbox in The Pendulum office.

Have more than one secret to share? Feel free to submit multiple postcards. Encourage your friends to share their secrets, too!

Questions? Contact Hannah Williams, special projects editor of The Pendulum, at