April 6-11: Pride Week events

Every year, Spectrum, the LGBT & Allies organization at Elon University, hosts Pride Week.

This year’s events take place April 6-11 with the theme “Walking Down the Aisle to Equality.”

(Pride Week and each single event as their own Facebook group, so for reminder – join them!)


Monday: We will begin with a lighthearted and physical activity of CAPTURING THE RAINBOW FLAG at 6:30 at ‘Under the Oaks’.

Tuesday: Starts at College Coffee (at 9:40-10:20 a.m.) with 30 Second Weddings, 30 Minute Marriages at Young Commons. Rings consist of ring pops and marriage can be with any other special person.

Also, at 7:30 p.m. at the Holt Chapel, there will be a Interfaith panel discussion on homosexuality and same-sex Marriage

Wednesday: At 8 p.m. in The Zone there will be a film related to the theme of our week.

Thursday: 7:30 p.m. in Moseley Commuter Lounge there will be a panel discussion on Prop 8 and public policy regarding same-sex marriage

Friday: At 8 p.m., the day will begin with a ‘rehearsal,’ which consists of having students around the N.C. area coming to Elon to socialize (light refreshments will be served), at McCoy Commons… and then from there we will go on a social outing around 10 p.m.

Saturday: Wedding Belles, a drag ball, will commence at 7 p.m. at McKinnon.