Seventy-eight faculty and student leaders of university social entrepreneurship programs and activities participated in a two-day Social Entrepreneurship and Education Consortium workshop from April 2-3 co-hosted by Elon University Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Purdue University Social Entrepreneurship Initiative.

Attendees participated in discussions to advance the field in education, academic research and business partnerships.
SEEC is for organizations leading university social entrepreneurship activities, competitions, curriculum and academic research. The objective of the consortium is to share best practices, exchange ideas, form collaborations and to develop better integrated strategies. The consortium allows individuals interested in university social entrepreneurship activities to establish new discussions, continue previous interactions and learn more about other programs and initiatives.
Gary Palin, executive director of the Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and senior lecturer of entrepreneurship in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, was the keynote speaker. Palin moderated the education session discussion with Melissa Paulsen of Notre Dame University and Tony Mendes of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
“The SEEC Workshop was a great event,” said Nancy Clement, director of Purdue University Social Entrepreneurship Initiative. “I believe we have created great synergies that we must continue to nurture. Communication is the biggest challenge we face creating a culture that better understands social entrepreneurship.”