News and Observer: Former Easley aide defends use of private e-mail

From the Raleigh News and Observer (6/12/09): There has been some discussion on the Web about why Dan Gerlach, who was a top aide to former Gov. Mike Easley, was using a private e-mail account as part of his contacts related to finding former first lady Mary Easley a job at N.C. State University.

The reason is straightforward, Gerlach said in an interview.

Gerlach had been teaching at N.C. State as an adjunct member of the faculty and used his private account often in that role. That kept student e-mail messages and the like separate from his state account, he said.

So when the Easley matter came up, he somehow contacted the political science chairman, Jim Svara.

The first e-mail message in the chain is from Svara back to Gerlach.

Gerlach said that was natural because it would have been the e-mail account that Svara always used to contact Gerlach.

The communications continued from there.

Gerlach did not deny he might have used his private account for state business but said it would have been rare and under unusual circumstances. He recalled a time when a News & Observer reporter was trying to get some information, and the private account was used because the state account was down.

Gerlach said he knows state law on public records is clear on this subject — that state business is state business, no matter how it is conducted.

News & Observer Staff Report