Holland House moves across campus June 13-14

A historic Elon University building will be lifted from its original location this weekend and moved nearly half a mile, across railroad tracks, to make room for a plaza to be constructed at the front of the Academic Village area on campus.

The Holland House move will be made in two steps: On Saturday, crews will move the building to a staging area on N. Antioch Avenue between 7 and 9 a.m. Haggard Avenue and Antioch Avenue will be closed to traffic starting at 6:30 a.m., with Haggard reopening once the house passes through.

On Sunday, between 9:45 a.m. and noon, workers will move the building across railroad tracks that divide main campus from the south athletic fields. An exact time for the Sunday move depends on Amtrak service passing through town.

The house will sit near Holt Chapel on South Campus.

Severe weather on either day will push back the scheduled times for both moves. Spectators will be directed away from the road and sidewalks along the path.

Holland House served as the formal residence of Elon’s president from 1963 to 1990 before the official residency was moved to its current location near the Alamance Country Club.