Elon junior receives grant to conduct baseball research

An Elon University junior has been named the recipient of a 2009 Yoseloff-SABR Baseball Research Grant by the Society for American Baseball Research.

Tamara Burnett, 20, will use her grant to explore the history of Major League Baseball’s influence in the Dominican Republic and how that history has impacted the current situation in the country. Some problems that have arisen due to the MLB’s influence include age verification, bonus skimming, and the buscones agent system, all of which take advantage of young men who are simply looking for the chance to play in the Major Leagues.

Her research will eventually be published by the SABR.

The Society for American Baseball Research is an international organization that fosters the study of baseball, assists in maintaining the history of the game, facilitates the dissemination of baseball research and stimulates interest in baseball. For more information on the organization, click on the link to the right of this page.