Looking for students to join a potential Fall Break Trip to Tucson, AZ and the Mexico border

Are you interested in travel, Spanish, Mexico, Arizona, immigration, human rights, humanitarian aid groups, culture at the US/Mexico border, or the opportunity to film/photograph/write about a unique fall break opportunity?

This fall break I’m organizing a trip to the border to participate in an educational seminar program with an organization called BorderLinks and generally explore the Tucson area. The BorderLinks program offers opportunities to meet with various groups and individuals that live in the area and work with immigration issues. There are activities on both sides of the border! We’ve received funding from a few on-campus organizations, so the main cost to you will be the flight!

I’d like participants to buy their plane tickets soon so that we’re all on the same flight, so if you’re interested in any way or want more information, contact Molly Costigan at mcostigan@elon.edu.