News and Record: AG cheers new laws passed by General Assembly

From the Greensboro News and Record (8/11/09): The N.C. Attorney General's Office is cheering several laws that got approval recently from the General Assembly. (NCOG Note: Items only dealing with open government and public records are produced here. To read the full account, click the link to the right)

From a Friday news release:

* Make public information about patient deaths at state hospitals

Cooper called for a new law to require disclosure of patient deaths and other incidents at state mental health facilities. Senate Bill 799 will also apply to state facilities that treat people for developmental disabilities and substance abuse. Cooper backed the measure because he believes better disclosure will help ensure patients’ safety. Cooper’s Medicaid Investigations Unit is currently investigating and prosecuting a number of incidents of patient abuse at state facilities.

* Create an Open Government Unit in the AG’s Office to resolve public records disputes

Under House Bill 1134, Cooper will start an Open Government Unit in his office to mediate public records and open meetings issues so that disputes can be resolved without costly court battles. The Unit will also develop programs to educate the public and government agencies about public records and open meetings laws and make state laws, opinions and other rules on public records and open government available to the public. Cooper and the N.C. Press Association have previously teamed up to publish a Guide to Open Government, available at

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