Charter class of Elon Law featured in Greensboro News and Record

The Sunday, May 17 edition of the News and Record features editorial columns by George R. Johnson, Jr., Dean of the Elon University School of Law, and Sean M. Olson, a member of the law school's charter class, both celebrating the achievements of the class as it prepares for graduation, May 24.

Johnson writes in his column that the charter class has, “demonstrated a responsibility to their communities that transcends earning a living. Already they have recognized their responsibility to be civically engaged, their responsibility both to serve and to lead.”

Explaining the importance of their embrace of these ideals, Johnson writes, “Service and leadership are two of the founding principles of Elon Law, and our first graduates have embraced those principles with great commitment and, in so doing, we predict they will work to revive those historic ideals of the legal profession.”

Charter class member Sean Olson, summarizing the perspective of the class after their study at Elon Law, writes, “The legal profession doesn’t need erudite individuals who can only discuss the law in the classroom or write a law review article. The law profession needs smart, savvy individuals who can serve their community. Why? Because that’s our duty and that’s the professional thing to do. Moreover, it’s the right thing to do.”

Johnson does not minimize the era in which Elon’s law students will enter the profession, but he does see hope in the contributions they can make at such a pivotal moment in history, “Perhaps not since the Great Depression have the economic and social challenges seemed as huge and intractable. Yet that is why I envy them. Members of this class will have the opportunity to reshape our society, to lead it to another great era of achievement and prosperity.”

Sean Olson

The News & Record special section on the charter class also features video interviews with Dean Johnson and Elon law students talking about their experiences and future plans. Click on the E-Cast link to the right of this article to view the video interviews. Click here to read Johnson’s column in full. Click here to read Olson’s column.


George R. Johnson, Jr.