Students! Join SHRM

All students invited to joine!
It is never too early or late to join a professional organization that will enhance your college career and help you make a smooth transition into the work world. You are invited to attend the Elon SHRM meeting (the Society for Human Resource Management), which will kick off the first meeting this Tuesday, September 22 at 4:30 in Duke 101 Career Services.

In this meeting, students will vote for officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Remember: Committees can be formed once officers are in place.

Our guest will be recent Elon graduate Jessica Blouin who is HR director with a local company. She’ll provide you with a glimpse into the HR world. You’ll also receive, an overview of what human resources is and how important it is to join a professional networking organization on campus. Not only will you understand what role human resources plays in any organization and why it’s crucial to management, you will have opportunities to think of creative events and begin to plan your own professional career. It’s never too early or late to begin networking.

Example: As a member, you could bring employer speakers to campus and make them aware of Elon talent, network with employers, and co-sponsor important events with Elon Career Services. Just to name a few!

Come and have fun! Spread the word and get in on a new organization that will make great things happen for you and Elon University! In the meantime, check out the national web site at Many universities have a SHRM chapter at their school and Elon should be well represented!


Debby Wall and Teresa Walker, faculty advisors for the student SHRM organization