Elon's chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the accounting and finance honorary, was recognized by the national organization as a Superior Chapter for excellence in academics, professionalism and leadership. The chapter's faculty advisor is Patty Cox.

Beta Alpha Psi also hosted its annual Meet and Greet networking event on September 14. The Meet and Greet gave accounting and finance students a chance to interact with representatives from accounting and finance firms such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, Deloitte Touche, and Ernst & Young. For students who attended it was a good chance to test their networking skills and seek out internship opportunities. “The fact that so many firms were there says a lot about Beta Alpha Psi and the business school in general. If firms see it’s worth their time to come, they’ll know that Elon sends well-prepared students into the workforce,” said Melanie Hermann, a senior accounting major who attended the event.