North Carolina A and T Register: Why the SGA Senate should ‘impeach’ itself

From the North Carolina A&T Register (10/6/09): Impeach- [verb] to call into question the integrity or validity of (a practice), or to charge the holder of a public office with misconduct. At least, that's what Merriam Webster would say the word means. Maybe the Senate should look into this interpretation, so they can then 'impeach' themselves.

We have seen a lot of things happen on this campus in regards to student government, but nothing compares to what we witnessed last week. If you haven’t been tuned in to the SGA soap opera saga, let us give you a quick background: the senate called a hearing to investigate the actions of the Executive Board, and in particular President Syene Jasmin in regards to his comments on homecoming with lead news stations.

Now, it’s one thing to call a hearing, but it’s an entirely different thing to try to oust someone from their office for their candid comments. This is just a little bit of a reality check.

How can the senate dare to question the President when half of the senators in the legislative body don’t even know how to properly make a motion to do something?

Seems a bit hypocritical to us. There is all this talk in the air of what the senate will do to “punish” Jasmin, yet the 42nd Legislative Assembly (senate) is only three weeks old. Maybe you should stop calling for “acclimation” on a motion or bill if you don’t even know what the word means.

They have just barely completed their training, and they clearly weren’t taking detailed enough notes to know that you can’t go into closed session without due cause; personnel (hiring/firing) or financial matters. We had to tell them so in the middle of their own meeting. None of them had even heard of the North Carolina Open Meetings Laws, nor did they know that all aspects of A&T SGA are considered a public body, just like every other UNC constituent school.

We all should be sick and tired of people holding positions and not knowing what it is that they are supposed to do. If you want to feel important and have a title beside your name there is a place for that: your imagination.

Instead of wasting student fees and time on asking about Gucci Mane, why not actually do your job and write some meaningful legislation? We think that people getting robbed at gunpoint in front of the ATM’s on campus, or the increase in larcenies on campus far outweigh the issues of who comes to homecoming.

Why isn’t the senate calling a hearing on the Department of Housing & Residence Life for not taking responsibility for the water damages caused by the faulty sprinklers in Cooper? Students could be out hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars in property due to a mishap on behalf of the University. A&T says that students signed a waiver, making them not liable. How is that acceptable?

Don’t run for a position to throw it on your resume, or try to make yourself more marketable to a Greek letter organization.

If you are going to investigate someone, start with yourself. How can you be a senator and you don’t even know the basics in parliamentary procedure, or Robert’s Rules of Order?

We find it ironic that year after year several senators end up at probates instead of coming to meetings. Could that be why they got that F from us last year?

Let’s get real people. Don’t make plans to impeach someone when you should really be impeaching yourself.