Elon students share research, advice in Study Abroad Forum

From teaching science through engaged learning in India, to experiences living in Berlin for a summer, Elon University students shared research and stories in McKinnon Hall on Thursday evening in the second annual Study Abroad Forum, an event designed to celebrate and recognize their work.

The Oct. 29 forum sought to integrate study abroad opportunities into the academic environment at Elon, to serve as preparation for students who will study abroad, and to provide a forum for significant reflection and analysis for those students who have returned from short term or semester study abroad programs.

Experiences in Study Abroad proved eye opening for several students. For instance: Science education in India.

“It seemed that quite often the educational system over there has a rote memorization, textbook-type learning, but not necessarily the hands-on aspect,” said junior Katie Dirks who, along with students Elizabeth Leman and Maggie Pahos, presented a comparative study of curricula in Kerala, India, and in Graham, N.C.

The trio was part of a larger group of students who traveled to India in Winter Term 2009 to visit six schools with a traveling science exhibit.

Other students saw the forum as an opportunity to share not only their research and experiences, but to publicize the causes in which they have been involved. Such was the case with Elon senior Mica McCullough, an environmental studies major who co-presented on a health clinic in Ghana.

Elizabeth Leman, Maggie Pahos and Katie Dirks co-present “What They Learned: A Comparative Study of Science Education in Kerala, India, and Graham, North Carolina.”

McCullough is a member of Project Pericles. “This is another way to raise awareness and get word out about what the Periclean Scholars are about,” she said.

The Study Abroad Committee, the Isabella Cannon Centre for International Studies, and the Office of the Associate Provost sponsored the event.

Organizing committee members, a group of both faculty and staff, included: Martin Kamela (chair), Laurence Basirico, Jim Brown, Betty Morgan, Mina Garcia Soormally, Kimberly Jones, Judy Espositio, Heidi White and Anne Simpkins.

Elon sophomore Lauren Taylor offers advice for students thinking of studying abroad in her Oct. 29 presentation “International Research: A Case Study of Costa Rica and South Africa.”