News and Observer: Funeral board failed to keep minutes

From the Raleigh News and Observer (11/4/09): The N.C. Board of Funeral Service didn't keep minutes of its closed sessions as required by state law, according to a report released Tuesday by the state Auditor's Office.

The auditor, acting on a tip, reviewed five years of board minutes and found that typed minutes were not kept for closed sessions, in violation of the state’s open meetings law. The board regulates the funeral business.

Paul Harris, executive director of the board, told auditors he was aware that typed minutes were required to be kept for closed meetings. The current and previous three secretaries took notes of closed sessions, but those notes had never been turned into minutes and could not be located, according to the auditor’s office.

Board President Larry Andrews promised to create minutes for future meetings and to keep notes taken during those meetings in a special file.

by Benjamin Niolet, News & Observer Staff Writer