Martha S. and Carl H. Lindner III Hall, the new administrative home for Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences, and the ‘greenest’ building on campus, has received Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council, a national recognition for design, construction and operation of high-performance green buildings.

The 35,590-square-foot building includes classrooms, office space, a first floor reading room, a computer lab and student-faculty engagement spaces. It has a number of sustainable features that contribute to its LEED Gold certification.
Lindner Hall is 27 percent more energy efficient than a similar building that would just meet the energy code requirements. Photovoltaic panels on the roof generate electricity and a solar thermal system provides hot water for the building. An energy recovery system was put in place that utilizes energy captured in exhaust air to precondition supply air.
Energy Star-qualified windows and many layers of building insulation were installed to reduce the need for heating and cooling. Lighting is adjustable to conserve energy, occupancy sensors turn off lights when rooms are not in use and high efficiency light-emitting diode (LED) technology is employed.
All of the plumbing fixtures in Lindner are low-flow, or even no-flow in the case of the waterless urinals. In addition, sensors control how long faucets operate and toilets have dual flush handles with the option for a 1.1 or 1.6 gallon flush. Shower rooms provide convenience for those who choose to bike to campus. The grounds surrounding the building are watered by the campus wide irrigation system supplied by reclaimed storm water collected in the ponds located on university grounds.
During the construction of Lindner Hall, more than 90 percent of the construction waste was diverted from the landfill for recycling or reuse. Building materials containing recycled content were used as much as possible such as structural steel, concrete, carpet and many others.
Based on cost, nearly 25 percent of the building materials used contained recycled content. The use of regional materials was also important to support the regional economy and reduce the environmental impact of transporting building materials. Based on cost, 30 percent of the building materials in Lindner Hall were regionally sourced.
Lindner Hall is within walking distance of Elon Bio bus stations, which service local apartment complexes and shopping centers. There are bike racks to encourage alternative transportation, as well as low-emitting vehicle (LEV) parking spaces, available for non-hybrid and hybrid vehicles.
Providing excellent indoor environmental quality was another essential component for designing Lindner Hall. Care was taken during construction to ensure the building and its systems were kept clean and free of contaminants.
Adhesives, sealants, paints and carpets used in the building contain low amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Low VOC products allow for better air quality during and after construction. In addition, the building is equipped with carbon dioxide sensors to monitor levels and maintain appropriate ventilation.
Lindner Hall serves as an active educational tool. Several groups, both on campus and off campus, have already toured the building to learn about its sustainable features.
A touchscreen display in the lobby displays real-time energy usage for all the major uses in the building including the energy generation of the solar systems. Water consumption is also displayed. The display allows building occupants and visitors to see how much energy and water is being used in the building at any given time and is accessible online anytime for viewing, monitoring and use in class projects at
– Information submitted by Elaine Durr, sustainability coordinator at Elon University