Feb 12 – Developing GST Seminars Faculty Workshop

Belk Pavilion, Rm 201 - 3:00 to 4:30

Do you have in-depth knowledge about a subject students would want to learn about but that you don’t have the opportunity to teach?

Or are you interested in working with a colleague in another department to develop a course that both of you can teach?

Consider developing a GST Seminar for the 2010-2011 academic year.

General Studies (GST) Seminars present opportunities for faculty to participate in interdisciplinary, writing intensive, and engaging pedagogical teaching experiences.

GST seminars are an interesting pedagogical challenge because they involve advanced subject matter, an interdisciplinary approach, writing-intensive instruction , and engagement of students in high-level critical thinking. Students from all majors take these classes in their junior or senior year, bringing with them their own discipline-specific knowledge and skills which can be applied to a topic of your own interest.

Learn more at a General Studies/CATL workshop Friday February 12, 3-4:30 pm in Belk Pavilion room 201. Of course, refreshments will be served!

Questions, comments, & RSVPs to Katie at kingcath@elon.edu or x6449