Free movie night in Greensboro – Jan. 21

Enjoy a night out in Greensboro at the The Regal Grande 16 Theatre to see the award-winning film, “A Matter of Size,” about an Israeli Sumo wrestler 

Sponsored by SUB and Elon Hillel.  The film and transportation are free. Limited to 30 students. Meet at Boney Fountain Jan. 21 at 6:45 p.m. This film is part of the 2010 Triad Jewish Film Festival.

Overweight, living at home with his mother, and banished from his weight-loss program, Herzl finds himself in a dead-end job washing dishes in a Japanese restaurant. Fatefully, Herzl discovers the sport of sumo wrestling where size is an asset and this discovery gives him a renewed sense of purpose. Recruiting a few equally large friends, he pursues his newfound passion, which transforms all of their lives and gives them a new perspective on life. 

Click on the link to the right for more information about the film. To make a reservation, contact Nancy Luberoff, Hillel Campus Director, at