Brooke Barnett interviewed for WFMY News 2 feature on activism

Brooke Barnett, an associate professor of communications, spoke with WFMY News 2 for a Jan. 28 morning show segment on the changing face of activism in the age of social media.

Associate professor Brooke Barnett

From the story published with a video on the News 2 web site:

“Social media are tools rather than strategies,” Barnett said. “So you’re still talking about the same public relations persuasion activities, you just have a new arsenal of things to use. So rather than having social media drive the message and the strategy and the campaign, you say ‘what do we want from people,’ and then ‘how do we use these tools to get it?’ It’s really the way we’ve been doing this for a long time.”

To watch the video and read the full article, click on the link to the right.