College Chapel: JUBILEE on Feb. 11

College Chapel
Thursdays 9:50-10:20 am
Whitley Auditorium

February 11
Jubilee, A Non-Profit Band
Speaker and Guest Musician: Jubilee, A Non-Profit Band

JUBILEE is a collective of abolitionists/musicians who use the stage, classroom, recording studio, & merchandise table to be a vehicle of knowledge and advocates for the oppressed. Individually, music has made each of our own lives better, therefore as a group, we use our voices and instruments to resound messages of freedom and a higher quality of life to our listeners and students. We are a mouthpiece for the 27 million under the bondage of modern slavery – making the hope of injustice around the world known to our listeners.

Chapel Theme 2009-10:
Defining Moments

Make plans to take a break for a few minutes each Thursday in Whitley Auditorium for presentations by faculty, staff, guest speakers and students, complimented by live music offered by talented student & faculty musicians. Refreshments will be served following Chapel. All are welcome!