Teach For America FINAL application deadline is Friday at 3 a.m.

REMINDER: Teach For America’s final application deadline is this FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, at 3 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. Apply now directly online to be a part of the 2010 Teach For America corps: https://www.teachforamerica.org/online/info/index.jsp

APPLICATION MATERIALS: resume highlighting your achievements, filled out personal info page (short), and a brief letter of intent. NON-BINDING APPLICATION.

Teach For America is the national corps of outstanding recent college graduates and professionals – of all majors, backgrounds, and career interests – who commit to teach for two years in urban and rural public schools and become lifelong leaders in expanding educational opportunity.

This fall, 7,300 corps members will be teaching in 35 regions across the country while 17,000 Teach For America alumni continue working from inside and outside the field of education for the fundamental changes necessary to ensure educational excellence and equity.

Join the movement and apply to the 2010 Teach For America corps.

To learn more, visit www.teachforamerica.org or contact admissions@teachforamerica.org.

Full salary and benefits. All majors and professional experiences.

Learn more about our offer: $30,000-$50,000 salary, benefits, transitional grants, and AmeriCorps funding.