“I’m an Elon Leader” Video Contest winners announced

The Center for Leadership would like to congratulate the winners of its first “I’m an Elon Leader” Video Contest. The students were asked to create a short video expressing what it means to be an Elon leader.

The videos were judged by Jay McMerty, coordinator of video projects and Instructor in the School of Communications; Laith Majali, 2005 Leadership Fellow alum and Sundance Film Festival award winner; and Mallory Anderson, director for the Center for Leadership.

Videos were judged on both cinematic quality and leadership content. The winner was announced at Midnight Meals on Feb. 25, in conjunction with the Center for Leadership’s LEADstrong week. The contest will be held annually.

First Place ($300 cash prize)
Individuals: Samantha Miller, Laura Ward, Ashley Barnas

Second Place ($50 cash prize)
Individual: David Gwynn, Will Anderson

Third Place (Lunch with Dr. Danieley)
Individuals: Shauna Decoteau, Brandon Echter, Rachel Goglia, Lindsey Perdue