Harrison: Law enforcement not above Public Records Law

March 13, 2010

By Dale Harrison, Sunshine Center: The American public becomes quite agitated when a public servant considers himself or herself “above the law” or the ethical obligations of public office. Such transgressions have done much to erode our confidence in the American system. It is a narcissistic view that has brought down a U.S. president and, more recently, governors from Illinois to New York (and threatens the current governor of the latter). It further continues to severely stain the service record of countless former officials, including the former chief executive of our own state.

News and Observer: Benefits of being open

March 13, 2010

From the Raleigh News and Observer (3/13/10): The Star-News of Wilmington last year asked the New Hanover Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, a public agency, to list staff salaries.