New Student Orientation staff present at regional conference and win competition

New Student Orientation Head Staff traveled to Louisville, KY the weekend of March 13 for the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (SROW) hosted at the University of Louisville. More than 1600 conference attendees represented 82 institutions across the Southeast. The highlight of the conference was Elon bringing home first-place in the Banner Competition.

Director of New Student Orientation Emily Ivey accompanied the students and presented an educational session titled “The Journey: Discovering the Value of Pre-Orientation Programs,” which highlighted First-Year Summer Experience Programs at Elon. Also presenting on the subject were students Andrew Glass, Brandon Landreth, and Stephen Rusterholz. Elon students presented two additional educational sessions on the Psychology of Leadership and Student Leader Training.

Students attended a variety of education sessions including diversity training, transfer student programming, millennial students, peer supervision, conflict resolution, ethical decision making, and translating the orientation experience into everyday life. Additionally students Brandon Landreth and Lauren King participated in the undergraduate case study presenting a well-developed solution to a real-life problem.

Students reflected on their experience highlighting the knowledge and fresh perspective they gained from other institutions as well as the tremendous pride they have for the Elon Orientation Program. In reflecting on her experience head staff member Stacey Markham stated “I’m so proud of the professional conduct of our staff members and the well organized nature of our Orientation Program.”

The banner competition provided an opportunity for Elon to showcase their school using the conference theme, “Srowtally 80’s” while highlighting the institute by including creative information about the school, depicting aspects of the school, and providing an imaginative display of school spirit. Banners were evaluated on professionalism, school spirit, creativity, representation of the institution, and overall quality. Sixty institutions entered the competition with Elon winning first place.

In attendance were students: Andrea Bernick, Caroline Cronin, Steve Ferguson, Jamie Fries, Andrew Glass, Kaitlin Henze, Sam Jennings, Stuart Jones, Lauren King, Brandon Landreth, Stacey Markham, Stephen Rusterholz, Natalie Sayag, and Suzanne Uliano. The group was led by Emily Ivey, Director of New Student Orientation.