Public relations internship in medical communications – Cary, N.C.

TCL Institute (Cary, N.C.) is offering a communications major a wide variety of work experience within a professional, medical communications company, with an emphasis on developing and executing a public relations plan for a new iPhone app and other online educational opportunities. The best candidate will have knowledge of online PR, use of social networking to drive traffic to a Web site, and will be able to work independently once given a clear understanding of the goals and resources. A science background and/or interest in healthcare public relations as a career is a plus. Flexible schedule, as long as the goals can be accomplished. Excellent communications skills required. This company has been hiring and has expectations of continued growth.

TCL Institute is a medical education and communications company that works closely with a wide range of academic, professional and business organizations to create, disseminate and evaluate continuing medical education for physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other healthcare professionals. The range of work includes working closely with academic partners such as Duke University Office of Continuing Medical Education to plan, develop and execute a wide variety of learning experiences, ranging from online activities to meetings to monographs and teleconferences. We also work with pharmaceutical company staff to ensure the money that funds these programs is expended properly. Within our office are PhD writers, editors and program coordinators, as well as computer programmers, business development staff and administrative staff.

To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and writing samples to: Nancy McMeekin, Chief Executive Officer,