In recognition of over 15 years of professional commitment, leadership and service to the Decision Sciences Institute, Southwest Region, Lynn R. Heinrichs has been selected to receive the organization's 2010 Distinguished Service Award.

The associate professor of computing sciences and business administration has been a member of the SWDSI since 1993.
Heinrichs has served as SWDSI president (1998-99), president-elect (1997-98), program chair (1996-97), council member (1993-95, 2000-03), and representative on the Federation of Business Disciplines (FBD) board of directors (1997-99).
While serving as SWDSI program chair, she launched the organization’s first Web site. She has chaired the SWDSI Nominating Committee, Distinguished Service Selection Award Committee, and Distinguished Teaching Award Selection Committee.
Heinrichs’s professional activities at both SWDSI and DSI conferences have included numerous paper presentations and panel discussions. She has been SWDSI track chair for Innovative Education and MIS as well as Proceedings editor. She has participated as manuscript reviewer, session chair and discussant for various conferences.
Her research has appeared in the Journal of Computer Information Systems, Issues in Information System, Journal of Research in Business Information Systems, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, Journal of Information Systems Education and others. She was principal investigator for a National Science Foundation award in the Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Science (CSEMS) scholarship program.
Heinrichs serves on the editorial review boards for the Journal of Computer Information Systems and the International Journal for Mobile Communications.
Decision Sciences is the union of the quantitative and behavioral approaches to managerial decision making encompassing all of the functional areas of business. The Decision Sciences Institute is an interdisciplinary association of professionals committed to the understanding and improvement of decision making in organizations, and to the development of scholar-teachers in the decision sciences.