Sang Nam presents at Diversity Leadership Conference

Sang Nam, an assistant professor in the School of Communications, presented at Elon University's Diversity Leadership Conference April 9-10 in a session titled "Understanding Diversity: What does it mean to be Asian-American?"

The abstract for the presentation follows:

Due to the election of President Obama, it is true that more equality among different ethnicities has been realized in the United States at least on the surface level. However, it is still questionable whether or not this society recognizes true value of diversity, and there is a challenging road ahead for this society to fully appreciate true meaning of diversity. Being unique is somewhat rewarding in this society of “salad bowl,” but being hyphenated-American, especially Asian-American in the United States has its own challenges to overcome. Throughout this presentation, what it means to be Asian-American in the United States and what are trends in Asian-American community we need to pay attention to as a future global leader who will champion the diversity will be shared and discussed.