Raleigh News and Observer: Easley aide: Shred letter

From the Raleigh News and Observer (5/21/10): A top state public information officer says that he was directed by close staff of former Gov. Mike Easley to shred a letter that had been sent in 2007 to Easley from the mayor of Southport.

Ernie Seneca, who worked in several high public information positions for Easley and now oversees communications for statewide crime control agencies, said the directive came from Easley’s press office. He said he was not certain who in that office told him the letter should be shredded but thinks it was Sherri Johnson, then the governor’s press secretary.

Seneca routed the letter, dated Nov. 29, 2007, to a deputy secretary at the state Department of Transportation with the instruction to “shred this after reading.” Seneca said it was a copy of the letter, not the original.

Destruction of records has been an issue for the Easley administration. In 2008 The News & Observer sued Easley over destruction ofe-mail; the suit is pending.

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