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Crosswalks to be realigned on Williamson Ave.

June 21, 2010

Construction crews are now at work realigning crosswalks at the intersection of Williamson Avenue and College Avenue to make the area safer for pedestrians. The project is scheduled for completion in mid July.

Michelle Ferrier wins $1,000 grant for online community about local foods

June 21, 2010

With a consuming desire for great local food and growing local economies, communications associate professor Michelle Ferrier launched this week, an online community where Piedmont Triad residents become the journalists. Her work was recognized with a $1,000 grant from a regional design center focused on advanced digital technologies.

June 1-4

June 21, 2010

Annual Writing Residency

June 11

June 21, 2010

Friday Live! Web-cast "Immersive Learning"