Janna Anderson leads event at WorldFuture 2010 conference

Janna Anderson, associate professor in the School of Communications, led a special event on issues tied to hyperconnectivity, Web 3.0, cloud computing, user-generated content, social networks, ubiquitous computing and ambient intimacy, and augmented and virtual realities at the WorldFuture 2010 conference hosted by the World Future Society in Boston July 9.

Janna Anderson

Other panelists were Mike Nelson, a visiting professor at Georgetown University and former leader at IBM who was a top technology adviser in the Clinton-Gore administration, and Lee Rainie, director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project.

They discussed the social, political and economic impact of incremental but continuous advances in computing, storage, power, interfaces and artificial intelligence and progressively more refined and complete access to the ubiquitous information available from databases, sensors, tracking devices, cameras and all of the other inputs continually coming online and being networked.

This and other special events at the 2010 conference are briefly outlined here: http://www.wfs.org/2010specialevents.htm