Elon University leaders conferred degrees Saturday morning to students in the Master of Education program during a Commencement ceremony in Whitley Auditorium attended by faculty, staff, family and friends of the graduate students.

Thirty-five students took part in the Commencement exercise, with a 36th awarded his degree in absentia.
Elon University President Leo M. Lambert conferred the degrees and gave the charge to graduates.
“Great teachers are magicians,” Lambert said. “You change conformity into creativity. You change dependence into self-reliance. You change prejudice, and ignorance, into tolerance and self-respect. Magic follows you wherever you go.
“I charge you to remind yourself every day of this idea. The results of your life’s labor in education will continue to have influence decades from now and will echo into the generations ahead.”
The event featured an address by William C. Harrison, chairman of the North Carolina State Board of Education.
North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue appointed Harrison to the State Board of Education in March 2009. A native of Pennsylvania, he had previously served more than 11 years as superintendent in Cumberland County. He also has served as superintendent in Orange County and in Hoke County, in addition to his roles as an assistant superintendent in the Brunswick County Schools and as a principal and teacher.
His experience includes serving on numerous state commissions, most recently as co-chair of the Education Lottery Oversight Committee and as vice chair of the Military Child Education Coalition.

Harrison earned his bachelor’s degree in Intermediate Education from Methodist College in Fayetteville, a master’s degree in Educational Administration and an education specialist degree in Education Administration from East Carolina University, and an educational doctorate in Education Administration from Vanderbilt University.
“I want to begin by congratulating and thanking you,” Harrison told the graduates. “The congratulations are obvious. You set an academic goal and today’s celebration is evidence that you achieved it.
“The thank you is for your commitment to professional growth and demonstrating that you are a leader during these times that we truly need strong leadership. Leadership is not a position. It’s about influence and credibility. Through your involvement in your program you have acquired additional skills to enhance your credibility and broader your sphere of influence.”
Candidates for the Master of Education Degree:
Elizabeth Kaye Allen
B.A., Mars Hill College
Monnie Marie Davis Allison
A.B., Elon University
Nicole Lynn Betz
B.A., Walsh University

Theresa Anna Bissonnette
B.S., Appalachian State University
Susan Broadbent
B.S., Slippery Rock University
Brandi Renee Burroughs
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Francesca Chery
B.A., Hofstra University
Renée Michelle Craddock Combs
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Kathryn Ann Cornett
B.S., East Tennessee State University
Janet Zung Craddock
B.A., Wheelock College

Anadylia Cuadra-Miranda
B.S., Universidad Nacional Estatal a Distancia
Aral Paulette Galloway
B.S., Livingstone College
Francisco Garcia Felix
B.A., Centro de Actualización del Magisterio, Mexico
Linsey Marie Morgan Guyette
B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Gregory Lee Hardin
B.S., Appalachian State University
Lisa Michelle Himmelman
B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Meredith Caudle Hines
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Kerry Toni Howard
B.A., B.Ed., Nipissing University
Stephanie Renee Ritch Hutchins
B.S., Campbell University
Samantha Lynn Jarecki
B.A., Oakland University
Erika Morgan Judd
B.S., Elon University
Tina Powell Kennedy
B.A., Averett University
Jimmy Wayne Knight
B.A.S., Guilford College
Sibyl Willette Lineberger Langley
B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Linsey Marie McCarthy
B.A., State University of New York at Plattsburgh
Jennifer Ashley Murphy
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Sarita Antoinette Palmer
B.Ed., University of the West Indies
Monica Renee Phelps
A.B., Elon University
Evie Sherell Massenburg Randolph
B.S., North Carolina Wesleyan College
Dina Jean Rieley
B.S., Radford University
Barbara McPherson Smith
B.S., East Carolina University
Stephen Walter Stiegel
B.A., Marshall University
Heather Adele Honyoust Tuggle
B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Rhonda Rogers Wood
B.A., Guilford College
Tracy Michelle Stokes Workman
B.A., The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Bruce Kirby Young
B.A., Guilford College