“Bringing less is better!”: Alumni offer move-in advice

For freshmen, moving to campus on Friday will bring with it opportunities, close friendships and, yes, even a touch of anxiety. Read tips on making a smooth transition to college life from alumni who this week offered advice for new students on the university's Facebook fan page, and experience move-in days of years past in a photo gallery put together by the Office of University Relations and by Elon's Archives & Special Collections.

In their own words from Facebook:

Bring a rolling cart and a cooler of water. It was hotter than the sun on move-in day in N.C. – Donna Cooke ‘04

After climbing three flights of stairs numerous times you wish you had brought less from home or had brothers! And don’t forget the heavy-duty, double sided tape for your carpet squares or you may slip and slide. – Laura Moss Phillips ‘79

You don’t need to buy out the Wal-Mart on the first trip! – Kate Sullivan ’02

Even though it’s exhausting, when you’re finished with your move, lend a helping hand to your roommate or others on your hall. It’s a great way to meet people and break the ice! – Sara Beaty ’03

Always accept help from President Lambert! – Lauren Williams ‘03

Have a change of clothes easily accessible because you’re going to get hot and sweaty. Make a list of what you want to get BEFORE you get to Walmart/Target, or otherwise you’ll buy way more than you need or have room for. – Summer Nettleman ’06

It was actually not hard to watch my parents leave. You’ll be so busy with your room and new people you’re meeting. – Kelly Botterbusch Sacoman ’91

Don’t listen to the upperclassmen…the grass is NOT actually painted green πŸ™‚ Really get to know all types of people. I lived with international students at Elon. This year, I met up with my Japanese roommate from freshman year nine years later as I now live in Japan! – Amy Jo Jenkins ’05

Even if things get off to a rough start, fate has a way of making things work out for the best in the end. – Sarah DeYoung ’02

Have a toolkit handy – you’ll become popular real quick! Assembly required on most Wal-Mart/Target furniture. The move-in day staff will be there with open arms ready to help carry stuff. – Ryan Hildebrand ‘06

Take your ID photo before you move in, not after. Hahaha! – Kristin Hegel ‘06

You and your roommate may not be a perfect match, but you may end up living with someone who can teach you something you never knew about yourself…. embrace the differences and don’t prejudge! – Kris Towers ’93

Attend as many social/campus activities as possible, even if they sound silly. They make wonderful memories and are a great opportunity to meet new people. … Remember that you do not have to spent 24/7 with your new roommate no matter how much you like him/her. Hang out, have fun, but give each other space as well. Trust me πŸ™‚ – Kat Parker ‘05

Take a moment to look around, soak up the energy, and embrace the community that surrounds you; your great Elon adventure has just begun! – Amy Carraux Price ‘07

“Always accept help from President Lambert!” – Lauren Williams ‘03 (Photo of Elon President Leo M. Lambert in 2008)

Go to class! Get involved with clubs, Greek, sports, etc., outside of class. You will need a release! Go watch ELON football and other sports, yell loud and act like “college students!” – Dennis Lawson ’79

Ditto what Dennis said. – Russell Varner ‘10

You probably don’t know it yet but you are beginning the Greatest Time of Your Life. Elon was the best time of my life. – Randy Jackson ‘74

After transferring from Chowan, I met people my first day, moving in, that are still my close friends to this day! – Kirk McClure ‘74

I wish I knew just how MUCH I’d miss Elon after graduation! Four years goes by quickly, so be sure to balance work and play, and make lots of amazing friends and memories (some that you can ACTUALLY remember yourself and not second-hand!). – Katie Houk ’06

Attend campus activities (College Coffee, convocations, speakers, etc.), Get involved, volunteer, go to class (and enjoy it, you have AMAZING professors), balance work and play, play intramurals, support athletics, BE PROUD OF ELON! – Laura Thorpe ‘00

Before you leave for home and have all your items corralled in the corner of the living room that you plan on taking with you, remove half the items. Once you’ve done that, remove another 1/4. … When you go to move out you won’t think, “Now why did I think a Costco sized laundry detergent would be a good idea?” when you have 3/4 the box left. – Lexi Swinimer ‘07

Bringing less is better! If it all can’t fit in one car, you don’t need it! – Dave Morrow ’07 L’10

Keep your door OPEN on move-in day! The people on your hall or in your suite could become some of your best friends, but you’ll never know until you open your door and introduce yourself πŸ™‚ – Caitlin Trapani ‘07

ABSOLUTELY BRING A HAND CART! IT IS INVALUABLE! (Yes, I am shouting) – Phillip Sholes ’09

Remember that your roommates are just as excited, nervous and anxious to meet you as you are to meet them. – Jennifer Kilgore Diehl ’86

Now is the time to take the classes that you’ve never heard of before. Instead of another semester of Western Civ, learn about a part of the world that you’ve never studied before. – Paula Weinbach Creech ’96