Idea Launch Pad returns for students with entrepreneurial ideas – Nov. 4

SEED and the Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership present the second Idea Launch Pad on Thursday, Nov. 4, at 4:15 in McMichael 115. The Idea Launch Pad is a joint project between SEED and DCEL focused on turning student ideas into realities.

These ideas can include, but are not limited to, business, non-profit, social entrepreneurship, or community project ideas and can target an area as small as Elon or as big as the entire world. 

If you are interested in pitching an idea at an Idea Launch Pad and starting to turn your idea into reality, please contact Brian Serow at If you do not have an idea, but want to see if any other student ideas spark your interest, please join us on Thursday.

For more information about the Idea Launch Pad, please see the E-net story for the first Idea Launch Pad or contact

This event is open to all students. We hope to see you there.