Fall Teaching and Learning Grants Awarded

The CATL Teaching and Learning Grants program supports innovative teaching and learning projects. We had a record number of applications this year and were able to fund approximately 50 percent of the requests.

Many thanks to the Grant Review Committee: Ayesha Delpish, Paula DiBiasio, Joshua Kapfer, Michele Kleckner, Jessie Moore, Michael Terribilini.

Natalie Hart – Performing Arts, Elon College of Arts & Sciences
Scenic Painting Professional Materials, $2,000

Derek Lackaff – School of Communications – Massively Multiplayer Online Learning Platform, $1184

Mark Kurt & Tina Das, Economics, Love School of Business
Euromed: Melting Pot or Frying Pan, $4,000

Hallie Hogan – Music, Elon College of Arts & Sciences
Developing a Semi-Professional Opera Workshop, $3,000

Nina Namaste, Victoria Tillson, David Neville – Department of Foreign Languages, Elon College of Arts & Sciences, Wide-Angle Learning: Streaming Media for Second Language and Culture Acquisition, $4,575

Polly Cornelius – Music, Elon College of Arts & Sciences, Collaborative Music Symposium with Dr. Arlene Shrut, $2,050

Karl Green – Performing Arts, Elon College of Arts & Sciences, Dress Forms for New Draping Course, $3,900

Judy Esposito & Phil Miller – Human Service Studies, Elon College of Arts & Sciences
The Virtual Client: A Computer-based Counselor-client Interactive Program, $400

Alan Russell – Mathematics, Elon College of Arts & Sciences
Creativity as a Teachable Theme, $3,200