Careers in Government panel focusing on criminal practice – Nov. 9

Professor Margaret Kantlehner’s Externship Class and the Office of Career Services will co-sponsor a second career panel related to Careers in Government with criminal practice as the focus of this program.

Please join us on Tuesday evening, November 9, 2010  from 6 to 7 pm in Classroom 204 to hear the following speakers share their current work and the paths that led them to their positions:

Terry Meinecke, Esq., Ass’t. U.S. Attorney; U.S. Dept. of Justice – Greensboro
Sean Olsen, Esq. (Elon L ’09), Ass’t. Public Defender, Guilford County
Larry Brown, Esq., Ass’t. District Attorney, Alamance County
Phillip E. Berger, Jr., Esq., District Attorney for Rockingham County, NC