Anthony Hatcher, an associate professor of communications, published an op-ed piece in the Greensboro News and Record Nov. 7. In the piece, "Hoopla over NPR's firing of Williams is misguided," Hatcher explains why he feels the story's prominence in the press was overblown

Excerpts from the article:
“Let’s get some perspective here. The story of a newsman being fired from one job (NPR) and then being signed to a reported $2 million contract with another job (Fox) should have been a news brief instead of a major national headline.”
“Two of the three broadcast network newscasts led with the firing. Only NBC Nightly News put the story later in its show. Anchor Brian Williams (no relation to Juan) told the website TVNewser, “We’ve (covered) Juan the past two nights. The other two networks led with Juan Williams last night. I didn’t think it was quite at that level.
“No, not quite at the level of daily death in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, cholera in Haiti, floods in Pakistan, rising cases of diabetes in the United States, and a host of other real problems.”
“NPR’s actions, right or wrong, should have been a minor tempest in a teapot, rather than fodder for the tea party.
“Focusing on issues of relevance is the job of both the press and the public, and with the Williams affair, both parties fell down on the job.”