Hillel alternative spring break to Los Angeles: Informational meeting

INFORMATION session on Hillel’s Alternative Spring Break to Los Angeles
Friday, November 12, 4:00 – 5:00 pm

Hillel is sponsoring a one-week Alternative Spring Break trip to Los Angeles in partnership with Jewish Funds for Justice.  Enjoy one week of community service, learning, and fun in Southern California.  Read about Jewish Funds for Justice at:  http://www.jewishjustice.org

Where will we be staying? At the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, on a rustic hilltop with panoramic views of the Los Angeles area.

Where will we be working? For three days we will be volunteering with LA Family Housing, though we don’t know our work assignment yet. Students in the past have done construction at a homeless center, run an after-school programs for kids, and run workshops for adults. LA Family Housing may be asking us to create a sustainable garden for the organization to allow residents and clients access to organic produce.  http://www.lafh.org/

Will we have any free time? We will have free time in the evenings once scheduled programming ends (usually around 9pm). Past groups indicated that the campus location made it very easy to travel to many locations for evening activities.

What will be the cost? We are hoping to bring the cost down to $450/person including airfare and most expenses. This trip is subsidized by several national philanthropic organizations

For more information contact:  Nancy Luberoff, Campus Hillel Director, nluberoff@elon.edu
