Nominate an outstanding recent graduate for the Young Alumni Council

The Elon Alumni Association needs your help identifying outstanding young alumni to join our Young Alumni Council. Created in 2007 to address the unique needs of Elon’s most recent graduates, the Young Alumni Council serves as an advisory board to the Alumni Association and is involved in creating and implementing a variety of programs to strengthen the connection between young alumni and the university.

If you know an Elon alumnus or alumna who graduated in 2004-2010 that would make a great addition to the council, please nominate him or her by sending an email to Kiley Moorefield ’07, coordinator of young alumni programs. Please include:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Nominee name and class year
  • Nominee contact information
  • Why you feel the nominee would make a good addition to the council.

Young alumni may choose to nominate themselves for the council. To do so, they need to contact Kiley and provide their name, contact information and a brief statement about how they would benefit the council as a member.

Please submit your nominations to Kiley by Dec. 31, 2010. Nominees will be informed of their candidacy and will need to complete and submit the full application no later than Jan. 14, 2011. For more information about the Young Alumni Council and the nominating process, please visit the Young Alumni Council Web page or contact Kiley at (877) 784-3566.