DavidsonNews.net: Town puzzles over Observer’s request for citizen e-mails

From DavidsonNews.net (1/22/11): Town officials in Davidson are trying to figure out how to respond to a public records request from The Charlotte Observer for e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of citizens who subscribe to the town's e-mail and telephone alert services.

The request is similar to those the paper has submitted to the City of Charlotte, Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS) and other area towns. Because the records requests have come from the paper’s “strategic products and audience development director,” some citizens and public officials are concerned that paper might use the addresses to deliver advertisements or marketing messages. The newspaper’s editor told DavidsonNews.net Friday the paper wants the information only for “journalistic purposes.”

Davidson sent an apologetic email to its “eCrier” email subscribers at midday Friday, warning them about the situation, and acknowledging that its policy promising confidentiality had “run afoul” of the N.C. Public Records Law. That law says all public documents, including email lists, are “the property of the people” and may be requested by citizens.

The City of Charlotte sent a similar email to its subscribers on Wednesday.

And on Thursday, CATS sent a similar email. But it notified users that “because CATS is a public enterprise organization, according to NC statues, customer information is NOT available for public records requests. As such if you are subscribed to a CATS e-mail delivery system we will NOT be providing your information.”

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