Elon Law students give back to Greensboro

On August 18, the Elon Law Class of 2013, along with second-year and third-year law students, participated in the fourth annual “Elon Law Reaches Out” community service day. During the event, more than 150 law students assisted the work of eleven nonprofit and educational organizations in the Greensboro community.

From left, Elon Law students Nathan Proctor, David Lewis, Elizabeth Hebron, Sheila Marie Sazehn, and Jennifer Imediegwu volunteer at Food Assistance, Inc.

Law students volunteered at the following nonprofit programs across the region: Youth Focus: Art Together Crisis Care, Aycock Middle School, Greensboro Urban Ministry, Action Greensboro, Food Assistance, Red Cross, Housing Greensboro, Welfare Reform Liaison, Church World Service, Guilford Day School and Noble Academy Adult Center for Enrichment.

Begun in 2007, “Elon Law Reaches Out” has become one of the law school’s important traditions, introducing first-year students to nonprofit leaders in the region, while providing an opportunity to give back to the community through volunteer work in a wide range of settings.

“I chose Elon Law because of the service aspect and the leadership program,” said Janison Dillon, a first-year student who volunteered at Aycock Middle School painting classrooms. “I think the service aspect adds a lot to the traditional legal program. Plus, I’m from this area, and it’s nice to give back and be active in the community I grew up in.”

Stuart Gaylord-Scott and Amy Brodland contribute to a painting project with Housing Greensboro

Elon University School of Law encourages student engagement and service as part of its overall program of study. The Class of 2010, for example, contributed over 20,000 hours of community service during their three years of law school.

“It feels good to volunteer,” said first-year student Matthew Garger. “I had the chance to work today at the Greensboro Urban Ministry sorting donated clothes, and it was a great experience. Because the law school is in downtown Greensboro, it makes it easy to find volunteer opportunities. I appreciate that Elon helps us find all these opportunities so early in our legal education.”

Danny Lyon, a third-year student at Elon Law and the current Student Bar Association President, helped organize the service day and was proud of the lasting partnerships created by this annual event.

From left, Thad McKinnon, Zachary Illig, Jonathan Crook, and Andrew McDuffy enhance grounds at Aycock Middle School

“Not only is this event a great way for new students to get to know each other and the Greensboro area, but it’s also a great Elon Law tradition that really sets our law school apart and emphasizes the core values of our school,” Lyon said.



Elon Law student Thomas Green moves mattresses to assist the Immigration and Refugee Program of Church World Service



By Danielle Appelman, L’12