Fayetteville Observer: Fayobserver offers public records searches

From the Fayetteville Observer (2/26/11): The Fayetteville Observer has begun making available searchable online databases of public information at fayobserver.com.

The first database, which went live on the site this month, contains the salaries and job titles of 2,438 public employees of Cumberland County government agencies. It is searchable by first or last name, job title, salary range or department. For a departmental search, you would use terms such as “Sheriff,” “Social Services,” “Library,” “Civic Center,” “Elections,” “Animal Control” and such.

This week, we added a second online database as a companion to a 1A story about Fayetteville’s economy. It contains 367 U.S. metro areas’ gross domestic product over multiple years, and how GDP grew or shrunk during the recession.

You can access these databases by clicking on “Public Records” in the menu on the left side of fayobserver.com’s homepage.

This is the beginning of what will become a growing, dynamic data library. Soon, you will see salary databases for other local governments. In the months ahead, we intend to stock the library with a variety of other databases obtained under North Carolina’s public records law.

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