The Call of South Africa GST 206-IS celebrates its sixth year in January 2012! Who Should Apply?

The Call of South Africa will run from January 3rd – 26th, 2012. This course offers the best bang for your buck. With a declining economy, rising prices for accommodation and transportation, we have worked as diligently as possible to keep the program accessible for students. Note that our price includes double occupancy accommodations, two meals a day, all faculty and guest instruction, entrance fees to all scheduled events. With the application process beginning in March and the deadline rapidly approaching, now is the time to figure out whether this is the kind of course to help you meet your academic and career goals. If you are interested in applying, have already applied, and have questions about the program, please read on . . .

The South Africa study abroad course generates an overwhelming response, and some students keep asking, “How can we get into the course?” The simple answer is that only those students who are truly committed and open to learning more about the people, history, and culture of this wonderful country should apply. You should submit your application only after:
• discussing the class with your parents prior to applying to the program.
• checking your fall schedule to determine whether your class schedule will accommodate the STA 206 preparatory seminar, which meets from (time) on (dates). If you have a clash in your schedule, do not apply. This course is NOT pass/fail.
• determining whether your health will allow you to succeed in the demands of a rigorous itinerary. Medical or other conditions do not decrease your chances of selection, but it is a good idea to consult your physician first.
• reading the course blog at for SASA alum reflections
Improving your odds:
• Do not take this process lightly or apply on a whim with friends. In fact, you stand a much better chance on improving your selection by not applying with your frat buddies, sorority sisters, or roommates. Save yourself and your friends the heartache.

• Take time to write brilliant essays that speak to why you want to enroll in this course. “Four of my sorority sisters applied to this course” or “I’ve traveled everywhere except South Africa, so why not?” of “I’ve always wanted to go on safari!” are not the strongest reasons for enrolling in any course. The travel component is but one feature of a tremendous experience.

While this advice will not ensure that everyone who applies will be selected, writing strong essays and indicating whether the course satisfies any academic requirements will certainly improve your chances.

The 2012 itinerary will be alter slightly to ensure that students have varied, but equally as rewarding experiences as in previous years, although the course content and focus will remain the same. Other aspects that remain unchanged are the exciting readings and lectures by South African and African-American writers, scholars, and activists, visits to museums, cultural and historical sites, immersion in African-American and South African communities and townships, outings with South Africans, and other opportunities to last a lifetime.

There are several ways you can decide if this is the right study abroad program for you. Visit the SASA website at You can connect (in the top right-hand corner) to our Twitter and Facebook pages. Finally, contact Dr. Layne at with questions or concerns. You may also be able to read sample essays upon request.

Join us in 2012!