Elon Alumni Board holds annual spring meeting

The Elon Alumni Board returned to campus March 4-5 to take part in the group's annual spring meeting. The board members focused on two Elon Commitment themes in which alumni will play vital roles over the next decade: the building of a vibrant alumni network and the restructuring of Elon Career Services.

Mark Turner ’92, left, speaks with Jim Piatt, vice president for university advancement.

The Elon Alumni Board represents the university’s alumni and advises officials on programs and events to serve alumni at various stages of their life and support the university.

Jim Piatt, vice president for university advancement, John Barnhill ’92, assistant vice president for university advancement, and Sallie Hutton ’92, director of alumni relations, presented the university’s proposal for innovative programs to advance and support Elon’s more than 30,000 alumni worldwide. Understanding that Elon needs the engagement of more alumni in the life of the university, the proposal outlined plans to expand the number of alumni volunteer opportunities, prepare current students to become Elon alumni, celebrate the accomplishments of Elon alumni, bring more alumni back to campus and expand alumni regional outreach.

Priscilla Awkard ’95 raises a point in a discussion about the direction of Elon’s Career Services.

The board also spoke with Associate Provost Connie Book about Elon’s plans to revamp Career Services offerings. The proposal represents a philosophical shift from career counseling to student professional development and includes a four-year, discipline-rooted professional development plan to help students identify the career or graduate school opportunities that fit their talents and interests. In addition, Book said, Elon is devoting significant resources to boost its employer relations program, including the hiring of several new staff and the opening of a new student professional development center in Moseley Center.

Following the discussion, alumni board members received several university updates, including a profile of the incoming freshman class, progress of the Ever Elon Campaign, and new programs to educate and engage current students in alumni offerings. The board also welcomed Chris Martin ’78, the board’s incoming president, and John Hill ’76 as president elect.

The Elon Alumni Board will return to campus for its annual fall meeting in September.