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Montrose Daily Press: The public’s ‘sunshine laws’ at risk

March 16, 2011

From the Montrose Daily Press (3/16/11): During the last couple of days, members of the National Conference of Editorial Writers have engaged in a kind of morbid contest of one-upmanship to see whose public officials had performed the most flagrant violations of open government laws.

Hendersonville Times-News: NC GOP legislators promise more transparency

March 16, 2011

From the Hendersonville Times-News (3/14/11): Republicans who took over both chambers of the North Carolina Legislature simultaneously for the first time in 140 years in January have promised an even more open legislative process than what Democrats had developed following a cash-for-vote scandal during the last decade.

We, the people, own rights to our records

March 16, 2011

From the Charlotte Observer (3/13/11): Those who work for our government don't own the government. We, the people, do. The government is us. And we - not government workers, not elected officials - own information our government collects while it carries out our business.