N.C. business incubators offer start-up packages for Journalism That Matters “Create or Die 2”

Three North Carolina entrepreneurship incubators have pledged start-up packages to region-based companies that develop out of Journalism That Matters "Create or Die 2" to be held in Greensboro, N.C., from June 2-5, 2011.

The Nussbaum Center for Entrepreneurship based in Greensboro, the Wake Forest University Babcock-Demon Incubator in Winston-Salem and the Center for Entrepreneurial Development in Durham have all pledged shared-office space, mentoring, networking and interns where possible to help launch the journalism start-ups from the gathering.

“Create or Die 2″ is a design|build|pitch event that brings together journalists, technologists, funders, students, educators and community activists interested in creating media entities for underserved or underrepresented communities. Create or Die 2 is being organized by School of Communications associate professor Michelle Ferrier, who is spearheading the effort.

One goal of the gathering is to create several regional startups to address what Ferrier calls “media deserts” in North Carolina.

Elon University iMedia graduate Maria Rojas discusses new technology options for content development with attendees at the first “Create or Die” event held in Detroit in June 2010.

“We want the projects developed during Create or Die 2 to address the media deserts — where existing media lack the resources to address the community news and information needs or where communities are lacking in media options,” she said. “The start-up packages from the three regional incubators will give these projects a home and a life after the gathering ends. We want to plug the new teams into environments that can give them ongoing support as they develop their business plans.”

Registration is now open for individuals or existing teams with ideas or those interested in finding a team. For more information on Create or Die 2, please visit www.createordie2.org.