Brooke Barnett appears on WFAE 90.7 to discuss government transparency

Brooke Barnett, an associate professor in the School of Communications and the executive director of the Sunshine Center, was a guest on WFAE 90.7FM to discuss public information and government transparency.

Brooke Barnett

The description for the show reads: “In October of last year, the North Carolina legislature passed a new law aimed at cracking open the secretive policies critics accused the state government of practicing. Time and again, requests for public information were either denied or repeatedly delayed. Some hail the new law as part of a national movement for more transparency in the government but others say the ‘Sunshine Laws’ in our state, and on the federal level, don’t go far enough. We’ll track transparency in government and Sunshine laws from the recent past, through the age of the Patriot Act and wiretapping and take a look at where we are now when it comes to what is ‘public information and what isn’t.'”

Jason Huber, an attorney and assistant professor in the Charlotte School of Law, and Greg Collard, the news director at WFAE, were also part of the discussion.

Listen to the program here: