Michelle Ferrier named vice president of interdisciplinary journalism group

Michelle Ferrier, associate professor in Elon University's School of Communications, has been named vice president of Journalism That Matters, a Seattle-based nonprofit organization focused on reimagining the new media landscape.

Journalism That Matters inspires, convenes and connects the diverse people molding the media of tomorrow. The organization’s events and initiatives foster innovation and build bridges between the evolving journalism community and civic leaders and activists.

Ferrier, a long-time collaborator with the group, has been leading conversations about ensuring diversity in the new news ecology. She was the initiator of “Create or Die” a gathering in Detroit in June 2010 that focused on journalism innovation and entrepreneurship by and for people of color. She is leading the team hosting “Create or Die 2” here in Greensboro, N.C. on June 2-5, 2011, where the focus is on diversity in all its forms.

“Journalism That Matters has been the place for big ideas on how to create journalism that serves democracy and community growth,” Ferrier said. “It also has been the place for action around new ways of doing journalism that reaches and serves all of us.”

For 10 years, Journalism That Matters has brought together national and international gatherings of people of diverse backgrounds and interests to discuss the shifting media landscape and the opportunities and challenges for journalists and democracy. The Create or Die series of gatherings has focused on entrepreneurship both within and outside of legacy media organizations.

Josh Wilson, publisher of the online news site Newsdesk.org said “JTM recognized that new social mechanisms were required to connect practitioners, advocates, academics and the newly engaged citizenry — and then provided that space. I got to test my ideas, meet peers, recruit advisers, encounter funders; it’s impossible to overstate the value of this. It was vital. We wouldn’t be here without it.”

The Journalism That Matters board of directors includes:
Chris Peck, board president and editor, The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.
Mike Fancher, board secretary, former executive editor of The Seattle Times.
Peggy Holman, board treasurer and author, The Change Handbook and Engaging Emergence, Seattle, Wash.
Bill Densmore, director and director, The Media Giraffe Project at UMass, Amherst, Mass.
Stephen Silha, director and past president, Washington News Council, Seattle, Wash.

For more information about Journalism That Matters, visit www.journalismthatmatters.org. For more information about the upcoming “Create or Die 2” gathering, visit www.createordie2.org.



Elon students Eugene Daniel (right) and Travis Mitchell, participate in Create or Die hosted in Detroit in June 2010.