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“Satan” shares from his blog in Distinguished Scholar Award Lecture

April 15, 2011

Sometimes silly and sometimes serious, but always as "Satan,” Elon University professor Jeffrey C. Pugh read excerpts from his new book Thursday as part of the 2010-11 Distinguished Scholar Award Lecture before taking questions about the way evil is described in Devil’s Ink: Blog from the Basement Office.

New majors to be offered starting in Fall 2011

April 15, 2011

Four new majors will be offered to Elon University students starting in the fall. Early childhood education is an addition to the School of Education’s programs; information science replaces the current computer information systems major in the Department of Computing Sciences; and public health studies, and arts administration, are both interdisciplinary majors within Elon College, the College of Arts and Sciences.

Health care expert pushes for continued reform

April 15, 2011

Yale University professor Jacob Hacker, a nationally recognized figure known as the "father of the public option," believes the passage of legislation in 2010 was the "easy part" of reforming health care in the United States, and during his March 31 visit to Elon University he explained the challenges that remain in making sure all Americans have access to health insurance while reducing overall medical costs.

More than a job

April 15, 2011

For Leigh-Anne Royster, coordinator for personal health programs and community well-being at Elon, there are no typical days at the office.

Kirsten Doehler co-authors article

April 15, 2011

Kirsten Doehler, an assistant professor of statistics in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, published an article with Lisa M. Hooper, Scyatta A. Wallace, and Natalie J. Hannah.

Crystal Anderson presents on Orientalism and the Harlem Renaissance at national conference

April 15, 2011

Crystal Anderson, an associate professor of English and coordinator of the American Studies Program and Faculty Fellow for the Multicultural Center, presented her research on Orientalism and the Harlem Renaissance at the 2011 MELUS (Society for the Study of Multi-Ethnic Literatures in the United States) and USACLALS (United States Association for Commonwealth LIterature and Language Studies) Joint Conference in Boca Raton, Fla.