Judge J. Douglas McCullough speaks with Elon Law students about law, policy, and the North Carolina judiciary

On April 13, the Law School Republicans and Federalist Society student organizations at Elon Law collaborated to host a forum exploring issues facing the North Carolina judiciary, featuring The Honorable J. Douglas McCullough, Associate Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals.

The Honorable J. Douglas McCullough, Associate Judge of the North Carolina Court of Appeals, center, with Elon Law students, from left, Matthew Groves, Danielle Miller, Samantha Gilman, Brad Matthews, and Melissa Westmoreland

Judge McCullough served on the Court of Appeals from 2001-2008, then worked in private practice for several years. He began serving his most recent term on the Court earlier this year.

Prior to serving on the Court, McCullough served in the U.S. Attorney’s office in the eastern district of North Carolina, where he supervised both Criminal and Civil Divisions.

Brad Matthews L’11, vice chair of Law School Republicans, said he appreciated McCullough’s insights.

“Judge McCullough was an extremely engaging and entertaining speaker who has had a fascinating and impressive legal career,” Matthews said. “Honestly, I don’t think there is another appellate judge from anywhere in the state that would have been better suited to speak to our organization.”